Nicole Rozema is a Mom of 3 kids whom has enjoyed being behind a camera since she was a teenager. She has enjoyed writing stories since then, she started directing shorts with her teenage friends, as she wanted to create something. "It was fun, but it's nothing compared to working with individuals in the industry with the same passion as yours" she says." Of course my kids want to get involved, but I wish to learn more about the industry before I get them involved".
Nicole, how did you understand that this was your vocation?
Being surrounded by actors and crew who really like the my ideas, who have enjoyed my scripts and want to see the projects done as much as I do. I love watching a movie come to life in front of the camera, seeing the actors in the moment. It is a hobby of mine, but it's one I truly enjoy and I've made a lot of great connections since I started as an adult.
You've submitted Hunted The Awakening, please describe the project to our readers.
This is a prequel to Hunted Lost Pursuit.
A group of young adults wake up scattered in the woods with no memories of who they are or how they got there. Gradually, they find one another, and they each discover they are not normal. Reluctant to trust each other, they find they are being hunted by the one that took them.

What inspired you to write Hunted?
I found a game to play on my phone called Chapters, Hunted. The story in the game however did not get completed and I wanted an ending. I knew I couldn't replicate the exact story, so I changed it, made my own, and I kept one aspect: that the victims had their DNA changed.
I have filmed Hunted before, in 2018, but the film didn't do well. I watched and rewatched and saw where I could improve the script.
Rewatching and finding the elements to improve, is always a great step towards success! What inspired you to produce a prequel of Hunted, Lost Pursuit?
I always wanted it to be in 3 parts, I told the actors from the first one that I wanted to do a sequel. However I only got some of the sequel done before COVID. So I waited, actors got contracts or moved, I had to recast it. I absolutely wanted to get Lost Pursuit done, it took 3 days and it was well worth it. I knew then that I needed these same actors to redo the first one.
Yeah, COVID unfortunately changed filmmaking and projects' developements, but we're glad you found your ways around it,

You also have a great cast in this project, tell us about the casting process and what helped you choosing your actors.
I asked my actors for help, looking over the self audition tapes, as they can pick up on things that I don't notice. I used Facebook and Mandy for casting actors and actresses. I have collected the audition tapes and post them up on YouTube so viewers can see what I did.
What difficulties or challenges did you face during the development of the project?
The weather and the mosquitoes, I'm not joking. You can see and hear the mosquitoes on camera, flying around the actors heads and Sarandis, one of my main actors who plays Scott, mentioned in a BTS video, "I heard Action! Then," he imitated the sound that they make right at his ear. They fought that urge brilliantly to swat or shake their head. We sent off my fight choreographer during a break to get more Off, Sarandis had maybe 5 bites visible on his face and neck before he met Elizabeth (Kaylen) on camera.
During the first fight scene, it started to rain, my actress Aundreya had her hair up in a special way that she needed to stay for a project the next day. We had to pull out umbrellas, thankfully the trees did offer some shelter, but it certainly made me nervous for the makeup.

Your makeup department was also excellent, what was the process behind it? How did you approach it?
I acquired face prosthetics and made hand and neck prosthetics using latex. This was mostly trial and error as I had to create the scale texture using clay and then make a mold which sometimes didn't work out well. Then fill with latex. Once they were dry I then painted them all before applying to make sure they were the colour I wanted. I blended and glued them onto the actors and painted there skin to make sure they were blended with the prosthetic.
That's really impressive!
Shall we expect a third chapter?
I hope so, I plan to write the script for the third one just so everyone will know what became of everyone. I am self funded, right now I've submitted to film festivals that have some cash rewards, I'm hoping my team and I will earn the rewards that will get the movie completed. Otherwise, it's a finished script for everyone involved to know the ending.
You are from Canada, how is the film industry there?
It's busy, there's always something going on, always filming going on but so many actors to and new faces to meet in the industry.

What is your secret dream? A project not yet completed or a collaboration with another artist you respect.
I would love to get Hunted 3 completed, I truly would. It would require more people, more gear, more locations than the others. Truly it would be a challenge but I would absolutely love to see it thru.
I have been watching my friend get a film of hers worked on, the director she has working on the script was just working on the new adaptation for Spartacus. It's been a challenging road for her and I've been with her for much of it. I won't give up the same as of yet until more of it comes together. As everyone knows, first the script and then casting.
Who would you recommend the "Hunted" saga to? And why?
Possibly film school students, I'm an amateur myself, I didn't go to film school. I don't see kids being entertained by it, but I think it might give film students ideas.

What advice would you give to a new filmmaker or a new writer starting out?
You don't need to rent a $100 per hour location, you ask around, check out Air BnB and you will find things. I used an Air BnB for the vampire coven in Hunted Lost Pursuit and the basement of it for the computer room fight. My sound guy allowed me to use his back yard for the final fight. The $1 store is a great spot for foam you can shape into props.
One thing you wish you had discovered sooner?
To have requested for self audition tapes, I was doing a YouTube series and just hiring actors based on their headshot and resume. It wasn't until I learned about self audition tapes I got to get to know how someone is in front of a camera, their range or even accents.
You're also a mom, will you involve your kids in your project one day?
I think so, something just for them hopefully. But if any of my actors are open to working with my kids for fun, I'm open to it. My kids are very enthusiastic about getting into acting, but I know that it takes more to become an actor to get into the industry.
What is your opinion on the involvement of artificial intelligence in the world of entertainment?
I don't think it's needed, I feel it takes away from the hard work everyone puts into their own art. Original art is beautiful, using AI is taking away, I know it makes it easier for others. But for the world of entertainment, no. We've got so many talented individuals that spend countless hours to make something beautiful, that is respected.
Is there someone else that you wanna thank for this project?
My parents, they've always been supportive about my filming, my husband also. My friend Shay, actress Racha, fight choreographer Court and my friend Marwan for helping with additional costs in soundtrack, VFX, an extra memory card, props and funding. Without the support of everyone, it wouldn't have come to life when it did and how it did. Thank you!
Thank you for your time, we are proud to have an artist of your caliber in our fifth edition of Morgana Film Festival!
Thank you for having me and I'm truly happy you enjoyed it.
Email: canon.scenes@gmail.com