Metin Bülent was born and raised in London, UK, he's a screenwriter that has developed stories of alternative and personalised themes. Genre-fused focusing on various society issues and an often satire twist.
Metin, tell us a little bit about your background and your upbringing.

I properly started learning my craft at BRIT school, 2007, performing and visual arts college where I enjoyed learning about creating a concept/idea the basic level of production and post production.
In 2010 I studied Film at Roehampton university which mainly excelled my skills in editing, working in a crew/team and pre production, after graduating I spent a year at the universities TV station recording events and editing them.
From 2016-2020 I moved to the US to study at NYFA an intensive filmmaking program for one year, having the great opportunity to shoot at universal studios, plus working on multiple areas of film, I found myself more and more interested in writing as well as post production, directing my films, regularly working as sound operator/boom. In 2018 I spent the year on OPT working on multiple sets and productions gaining experience and furthering my skills in writing I studied at UCLA for the yearly extension screenwriting program. I created many features, shorts and many treatments that I am developing currently and some of which have won multiple awards.

Metin, you've submitted Bugged, please describe the project to our readers.
Bugged is a short horror drama that tells the story of Cyclor, a housefly that witnesses the death of his loved one by Zara and seeks vengeance upon her.

The themes combine soon-to-be-tragedy, loss, heartbreak that contrasts Zara’s and Cyclor’s which correlates to how humanity and other species on this earth suffer. Perhaps it’s different from the outside looking in, but on the inside we experience this pain similarly. We are more connected that it may seem... So if you try swatting a fly or killing a spider, take a moment to think, maybe they need help too.
How did you understand that this was your vocation?
It dawned on me whilst I was studying at UCLA in 2019, one of my lecturers told me ‘you have the freedom of your mind to structure in such a way, into a film or TV series, the power to inspire or to move readers/watchers is a unique power’.
And so with this I understood my life calling, to create personalised stories in unique and sometimes extreme situations.
You said you're a writer and a filmmaker, which one do you prefer and why?
They are both beautiful in their own ways I’d say. I have worked in many roles in post, on set and pre production, working with people from different backgrounds creating a project together is a unique experience. Each project can be different from the last. With writing it gives me a sense of calm, freedom and control. A sort of therapy in creating a world of madness, or a world in whatever concept or subject matter that I care about.

What inspired you to write Bugged?
The motivation of this story came at quite an intense writing session of another script. Whilst going through a breakup, I had a pesky fly distracting me. It was the heart of summer so with windows open, it was to be expected. Until, eventually it hit me. Why don’t I combine the two and somehow form them into an extreme but relatable heartfelt story? By paying homage to the makers of classic horrors I have seen over the years that have helped me develop as a writer. Such as; Terence Fisher, Sir Christopher Lee movies, Dario Argento, John Carpenter, Wes Craven and Guillermo del Toro.
What difficulties or challenges did you face during the development of the project?
Not so much a difficulty but a healthy mission in the process of the earlier drafts where I condensed 30 pages to 22, 18, 16 and finally 10. Looking back now it’s had quite the journey already. I presume the challenges I will face once producing and funding are secured will be allocating the budget, securing the location, VFX for Cyclor, makeup SFX, cinematography and sound design.

You said you wanted this script to come to life, what do you envision, and shall we expect to watch Bugged in the future?
I envision everyone in the screening rooms to be shocked, disturbed, entertained and to hopefully leave learning something in their own ways about moving on from a relationship. Treating each other better as well as other living species.
You said you've also worked in LA, you are a Londoner and live in London right now, what do you think of these two big cities and what do you think about the film industry in Us and Uk?
There's definitely a difference in the opportunities and work that was in LA compared to London, the hub of the industry and majority of the companies etc are based there. In recent years the there has been a shift in the amount of production in UK, good to see the boost and noticing a steady increase in the amount of opportunities, but still the main city for this industry is LA.

Would you like to go back to LA? If yes, why?
I would like to yes. The connections I've made when I was living there, which I am fortunate of have been unique and discovered more things about myself also. I enjoyed my time there both for work and for leisure purposes, of course it's not for everyone but in terms of what I am doing career-wise it was perfect.
What is your secret dream? A project not yet completed or a collaboration with another artist you respect.
The chance to collaborate with Tim Burton or Tarantino would be just amazing! With superior cast Winona Ryder, Mia Goth, Keanu Reeves to name but a few, a dream that will be true one day.
Who would you recommend "Bugged" to? And why?
To anyone that enjoys horror movies, that likes the buzz of getting out of their comfort zone once in a while and not be too bugged by it.
What advice would you give to a new filmmaker or a new writer starting out?
Know what you want, do your research, always back yourself up (marketing/content wise) and be thick skinned, ready for criticism.

One thing you wish you had discovered sooner about your profession?
I wish I had discovered my ability to write much earlier than I did and focused solely on that rather than wanting to be everything.
Aside from Bugged, what are you working on at the moment?
Another short horror and short dark comedy in their final draft stages and a feature script!
What is your opinion on the involvement of artificial intelligence in the world of entertainment?
I don't agree Ai interfering with writers, actors etc they shouldn't replace human experiences, personal qualities and creative talents, there's more to it than meets the eye but creative artists such as myself shouldn't be made to pay the price.
Do you want to tell us about other projects or add something?
I update on my socials when I can and never stop writing so will get more shorts out to the world in the near future! Watch this space ;-).
Thank you for your time, we are proud to have an artist of your caliber in our fourth edition of Morgana Film Festival!
Thank you for everything!